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App Transport Security

This information helps you work with App Transport Security (ATS), which is a new set of security requirements for iOS 9.

Starting with iOS 9, Apple introduced App Transport Security, a set of requirements that conforms to best practices for secure connections. For more information, see NSAppTransportSecurity in Information Property List Key Reference.

For the Adobe Mobile SDK version 4.7 or later to work seamlessly with ATS, use the enable SSL option in the Manage App Settings page. For more information, see Manage App Settings or ADBMobile JSON Config.

In Adobe Mobile Services, by selecting the Use HTTPS option in the Manage App Settings page, all hits from Analytics, Audience Manager, Target, and Adobe Experience Platform Identity Services are sent via HTTPS.

As an alternative, you may place the following servers in your 'allowed' list:

Product Instructions
Analytics To allow your Analytics server, add your tracking server domain to your info.plist file as an exception domain for ATS. The tracking server domain can be found in the Analytics section of the ADBMobileConfig.json file or in the Analytics section in the Manage App Settings page.
Audience Manager Your Audience Manager domain is found in the server property of the audienceManager object in your ADBMobileConfig.json file. If you are using Audience Manager in your app, and SSL is not enabled, add this server as an exception domain for ATS in your Info.plist file
Target You can add your Target endpoint to your Info.plist file as an exception domain for ATS. To find your Target endpoint, find the clientCodeproperty in the target object of your ADBMobileConfig.json file. Your endpoint will be https://{clientCode} For example, if your clientCodeproperty is "myCompany", your endpoint will be
Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service You can add the Experience Cloud server as an exception domain for ATS in your Info.plist file. This domain is
Mobile Services: Acquisition Allow the Acquisition server as an exception domain for ATS in your Info.plist file. This domain is
Mobile Services: In-App Messages If you are using in-app messages, you might need to add entries into the exception domain for ATS for each URL you use that is not HTTPS. This list includes hosted images and any URL embedded into your custom full screen message HTML. For more detail on setting up exceptions domain in an info.plist file, see the NSExceptionDomains row in Table 2: App Transport Security dictionary primary keys. Also see Table 3 Exception domains dictionary keys in Information Property List Key Reference.

Tip: These considerations affect the connections that are made by the Adobe Mobile SDK and do not impact web view or other connections that are made by your app.