Create an activity that uses Analytics as the reporting source

You can configure an activity in Adobe Target to use Adobe Analytics as the reporting source (A4T).

Before you set up an activity that uses Analytics as the reporting source, establish the goal for the activity, such as improving revenue per visitor (RPV) or increasing clicks on your shopping cart. Choose a final success metric for the activity. Although you can select more metrics at any time in Analytics, you must still specify a particular metric you expect this test to affect.

Create the activity

Creating a Target activity that uses Analytics as the reporting source is similar to setting up a regular Target activity, with a few important differences. For example, you cannot select a segment for reporting while creating the activity because all segments available in Analytics can be applied when viewing a report.

  1. Click Create Activity.

    note note
    An activity name cannot include the “%” character if Analytics is used as the reporting source.
    Do not use the same activity name for two activities from separate workspaces that are using A4T reporting.
  2. Select the activity type and begin setting up the activity.

    If you want to create an Auto-Allocate or Auto-Target activity, see A4T support for Auto-Allocate and Auto-Target activities for more information.

  3. When you get to the Settings portion of the activity creation flow, choose Adobe Analytics and specify your company.

  4. Select a report suite.

    You can choose any report suite that is available to you in Analytics. The report suite defines where the collected data is available. Virtual report suites are not included in the report suite list.

    You might encounter two possible errors while selecting the report suite:

    • You get an error that no report suites are available, but your account is properly set up.

      Check your Analytics company. If your Adobe Experience Cloud account is tied to more than one Analytics company, log out of Target, and log in to Analytics under the right company. Then return to Target, and the report suites load.

    • You don’t see the report suite that you expect.

      Only report suites that are provisioned to connect to Target are available for selection. If you don’t see the report suites that you expect, first try logging out and logging back in to the Adobe Experience Cloud to try again.

    If one or more report suites are still missing from the list, please contact Customer Care.

  5. Specify your tracking server.

    See Using an Analytics Tracking Server.

  6. Define the experience.

  7. Specify the activity goal.

    You are required to select a success metric to use as a goal for each activity. Your activity goal is the conversion activity that signals a successful activity. It is best practice never to run a test without having a goal to improve in some specific way. You can choose any Analytics metric available in the Analytics metric selector.

    note note
    You can send a custom Target-based metric to Analytics rather than relying only on Analytics data. For example, you can monitor clicking a page, which is not usually tracked by Analytics. This custom metric is sent to Analytics automatically from the Target server, and appears as the “Target Conversion” metric in the metrics selector in Analytics. The Target Conversion metric is empty if you choose to use Analytics metrics.

    Setting a goal doesn’t mean you can’t use another metric when evaluating test results. The goal is, however, a reminder of the one thing you want to improve with the activity.

    The visitor remains in the activity after they reach the goal. The visitor continues to see activity content but is not counted as a new activity entry.

    note note
    When setting up an activity after setting up Analytics as your reporting source, there is no option to set up audiences for reporting. Analytics segments are available in the Target Activities report.
  8. Click Save.

A4T and Auto-Allocate and Auto-Target activities

For more information, see A4T support for Auto-Allocate and Auto-Target activities.
