Installing multiple viewers on the same server installing-multiple-viewers-on-the-same-server

Instructions for installing the Dynamic Media viewers API.

Install and test Image Serving before you install the Image Serving viewers.

Copy the IS Viewers files to your hard drive and then deploy the s7viewers.war file into the ../ImageServing/webapps directory. See your Image Serving documentation for instructions on how to deploy, start, stop, and manage the Image Server.

There is no upgrade install for the Image Serving viewers. Adobe recommends that you back up any existing Dynamic Media viewers (s7viewers) directory before you continue with the install.

To install multiple viewers on the same server:

  1. Rename the viewer .war to the desired context and deploy file to the location you want.
  2. Set this.isViewerRoot parameter in config.js.
  3. Open config.js at the root of the newly created viewer folder.
  4. Set parameter this.isViewerRoot = "/s7viewers" to the context of the s7viewers.war file. For example, "/s7viewers-4.0".
  5. Save the file and close.