Compatibility notes compatibility-notes

Compatibility notes for operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices.

BlackBerry® section-0c465ac3775d47fd838e2695a00abc45

  • Incompatibility with older Adaptive Video Sets. Reupload Adaptive Video Sets to allow playback.

General section-7b9a9fcba85148d1802b7b3016b48e02

  • Browser side scaling causes UI and images to become blurry as user zooms into page. User interface formatting also displays incorrectly depending on zoom and carries over to full-screen.
  • Due to the size limitation on mobile devices, the Mixed Media Viewer uses slide gesture to swap frames in embedded image sets instead of tapping the embedded swatches component. Component is there as a visual indicator.
  • In Internet Explorer browsers and some touch devices, full-screen mode does not occupy the entire device screen. Instead, it resizes the application to the size of the browser window.
  • Close button does not work under iOS 8.0 and iOS 8.1 but works under iOS 8.2.

Galaxy SIII section-dfd5f46f39834223b544b1e2f7a770c1

  • Memory leak seen with Zoom and eCatalog viewers. Repeated navigation through frames causes the browser to crash.
  • Double-tapping on a viewer causes the entire page to zoom instead of just the viewer with browser-side scaling enabled.

Galaxy S4 section-7effabfea75b488399e0f71cab4ce76b

  • Device detected as tablet in portrait mode with full-screen checked in browser settings.

Galaxy Nexus section-9340b0b026bd48e8a8a6b837b59c6dc5

  • Double-tapping on a viewer causes the entire page to zoom instead of just the viewer, with browser-side scaling enabled.

Galaxy Nexus 10 and Galaxy Tablet section-ef52bd1249fe4f358c11838f7a557a00

  • eCatalog shows incorrect page spread with portrait and landscape orientations.

HTC Mobile Devices section-dc42c80414c842e488738fc157c55b01

  • Inability to disable native pinch-zoom is a “feature” of HTC UI wrapper (HTC Sense). This feature can cause an entire page to zoom when using “pinch to zoom” gesture on the viewer. Use a double-tap gesture instead.
  • Image map icons overlap if image maps are small and close together.

HTML5 Video Viewer section-3c2dd1220dea4093b17ca2dd0a688307

  • IntialBitRate modifier is only supported with software HLS and Flash HDS playback. It does not work when playback is using the native player.
  • OGG and WebM progressive playback not supported.
  • Browser scaling causes the video player to display at an incorrect size (include Windows® Control Panel Display settings).
  • Video seeks using HLS streaming on Safari is inconsistent.

Internet Explorer section-a18e8df396954f0b807017787c00aac7

  • Quirks mode is not supported.
  • Compatibility mode is not supported.
  • Internet Explorer on mobile is not supported.

iOS section-70161cba8c2044838d916d0b69c12247

  • Large eCatalogs cause the browser to crash on iPad 2.

Safari section-f8de598293d349188aa02c82cd3af8b6

  • Safari 6.1 or later: Internet Plug-in settings prevent Flash video playback.
  • Video seeks using HLS streaming on Safari is inconsistent.
  • Unable to seek to end of video on Safari 6 using HLS streaming.