Command reference – Configuration attributes command-reference-configuration-attributes

Configuration attributes are defined as attributes directly on an IMG element that the Responsive Image library manages. Each image can have its own set of attributes.

data-src section-f52ff0f139604447a870abe6e1c03444


URL to the image that Image Serving serves up. If the URL is not present, the library uses the value that is set in src attribute as fall back. This attribute serves the initial image and the dynamic image that the Responsive Image library manages from different locations.


<img data-src="" data-breakpoints="360,720,940">

src section-5dbc1f9a3c274705adb9702e4c7af0b1

If data-src is set, src is optional, and can contain any URL that you want to add. For example, it can contain a URL to the same Image Serving-based image that the library uses. Or, it can contain a GIF placeholder, or even a data URI to avoid an extra server round trip on startup.

If data-src is not set, src is mandatory and must contain a URL to the image that Image Serving serves up.


Using data URI for the src attribute and Image Serving URL for the data-src attribute:

<img src="" data-src="" data-breakpoints="360,720,940">

data-breakpoints section-3bf62a89ff3e40569848c1fe3ac7886c

A comma-separated list of breakpoints and optionally followed with a colon ( :), and Image Serving commands or Image Presets. Each breakpoint is an image width value defined in logical CSS pixels. The library loads the image with the closest larger value from the list and downscale it on the client to match the runtime CSS image width. (If you work on a high-density screen, image renditions that are loaded from the server represent breakpoint values multiplied by the device’s pixel ratio).

For any breakpoint from the list, it is possible to define one or more Image Serving commands or Image Preset names. Such extra parameters are only applied to the image in case this particular breakpoint is currently active.

You can use any supported Image Serving command except for those view commands that affect response image size, like wid=, hei=, or scl=. The same restriction applies to Image Presets: an Image Preset used with Responsive Image Library must not contain such commands.

Multiple Image Serving commands or Image Preset names are separated with " &" character. If an Image Serving command has a comma in its value, such comma is replaced with %2C. Image Preset names are wrapped in dollar signs ( $).


Using breakpoints only

<img src="" data-breakpoints="360,720">

Using Image Serving commands

<img src="" data-breakpoints="360:op_sharpen=1,720:resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.9%2C1.0%2C8%2C0">

Using Image Presets

<img src="" data-breakpoints="360:$ResponsiveImage_Low$,940:$ResponsiveImage_High$">

Using Image Presets & Image Serving commands

<img src="" data-breakpoints="360:qlt=50,940:$ResponsiveImage_High$">

data-mode section-97caf43cf5ab4ca8b1b866d8f394a9a4

The following two Smart Crop modes are available in AEM 6.4 and higher and Dynamic Media Viewers 5.9 and higher:

  • Manual - user-defined breakpoints and corresponding Image Service commands are defined within an attribute in the image element.
  • Smart Crop - computed smart crop renditions are automatically retrieved from the delivery server. The best rendition is selected using the runtime size of the image element.

To use Smart Crop mode you set the data-mode attribute to smart crop.



The associated image element dispatches a s7responsiveViewer event during runtime when the breakpoint changes.

         responsiveImage.addEventListener("s7responsiveViewer", function (event) {
           var s7event = event.s7responsiveViewerEvent;
           if(s7event.type == "breakpointchanged") {
              console.log("New width: " + s7event.width);
              console.log("Old width: " + s7event.oldWidth);